Monday, September 9, 2013

Glitches - Basketball

Glitches. Don't we all hate glitches. From NBA Live 2010 not being released and ultimately shutting down  for a few years, to reminding yourself that you have to click on the icon pass button to make a  precise pass, or that there is a 50\50 chance that the  ball is not going where you want it to go. Either way, glitches are something that always occur in games. No matter how good the game. glitches do come.  It slightly hinders gamers excitement. I remember really enjoying the smoothness and great overall quality of NBA 2K 13, until I ran into the passing problem. Don't get me wrong, I still do love the game. However, I was kind of disappointed at the fact that when I'm controlling a player, and I have a player in mind that I'm trying to pass the ball to, I hit the 'A' button, but unfortunately, my player passes the  ball to someone that I'm not even attempting to pass to.  When that happens, I have to remind myself to use icon passing. While this is a great feature, I don't always find it easy to press three buttons at the same time on a consistent basis. From time to time I may forget, and that tends to cost me a turnover or two. 

One other problem that gamers experience  is stealing the ball on defense. For as long as I've been playing  basketball video games , I feel as though one of the most difficult things that developers may face is mastering the timing of the steal. In all of the basketball games I've played thus far, the steal  has basically been categorized into  three scenarios: 1) The opponent has a large advantage of taking the ball: (ex: Chris Paul rips Kyrie Irving three times, while Kyrie has 0) . 

  Chris Paul is the best point guard in the league, and has excellent defensive skills. While this may be true , Kyrie is an awesome ball handler , who has very good defensive skills as well. As an experienced gamer , there should be no way in the world that Chris (controlled by the computer)  steals the ball from me like nobody's buisness three times from me throughout a game, yet when I reach in, I'm either called for a foul , somehow miss the ball while it's right in my face, or I tip it, but Paul immediately gets it right back. 

2) I lose the ball driving: 

This scenario happens in the newer games.  This scenario isn't as bad as the first , but the occurrence of the scenario can happen in an untimely  manner. If I'm dribbling the ball from half court all the way  to the hoop with JaVale McGee and lose the ball, that's perfectly realistic. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Now, if I'm dribbling with the ball with Ty Lawson , And  Kendrick Perkins is guarding me , there should be NO way that I would somehow lose the ball off of his foot or something of that nature in the way some games portray it. 

3) Purely  taking the cookie:

Similar to number 1, unless I'm dribbling with someone with limited  skills,  I should not be getting ripped by anyone flat out. When I was younger I was an avid player  of backyard basketball . I really loved the game and still do, yet one of the things that I always disliked was the stealing of the basketball. Sometimes , I would have this big center just rip me while I'm using a pure point guard. Not saying it's impossible, just not very realistic. 

Glitches are something that no one likes, but we do have them. While these classic game series do have slight glitches, developers offer something called patches to improve their game. 

Glitches are apart of the game, give or take. Each year, games such as NBA 2K are decreasing in their amount of glitches on their run. When gamers complain, or the company spots something that can be improved, patches are used.