Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Good Point

   The other day, my brother made a valid point about something that should be added. Parallel to real life, there are people that are always changing positions for the greater good of their teams. There are many examples in the NFL that have ended up where they are today due to their position changes in college. (Sam Shields, Devin Hester, etc.) If this option were to be offered to players in NCAA football, the game would be even better than it already is.

   Although this idea may work, it would probably need to be tweaked quite a bit. If this idea were to be put into effect, I believe that the option should be only offered for the first two years of a gamer's carrier. I say that because once the option reaches past the sophomore in a career, many gamers will abuse that option. Having that option available to players after two years can give anyone the chance to be sub-par for three years then suddenly change positions and become an overnight All-American. Within the two years, the gamer could spend their freshman year getting a feel for how they like playing there position. If they like it, great. Otherwise, they can begin to find a position of interest. The second year , they could simply either change their position or give your player one more shot in that position. If it still doesn't work out that next year, then they can move to a new position.

   Finding this idea interesting, I thought about a couple of questions, but one that stuck out was time. If the option were to be implemented, in which part of the season should the player be given the option to change positions? After some thought, I have come to the conclusion that the option should be offered before the pre-season. If offered in Road to Glory mode, the player should be offered this option in the 'middle' of simulation between the off-season and the pre-season. That way, it would seem more realistic due to the timing of the offer. In my opinion, the  player should be offered no more than two positions because that is not the case in real life. If the gamer declines, the offer, then he can continue on his quest to become a school legend. However, if the gamer decides to choose one of those position changes, then if they are not rated a 1st stringer automatically, they should have to work their way up. Like in real football, the gamer should have to fight for their spot. 

   When fighting for spot, the gamer should be fighting for a position that is similar to the one that they previously had. It wouldn't be realistic to have a player start as a defensive tackle and end up a running back. In this example, the defensive tackle should change to a defensive end or a linebacker, because it's more doable.  
   In an effort to make a great annual game even better, I'm sure that the good people of EA Sports are only working to improve the game each year. As a fan, I hope to see changes such as these come to life in the near future.