In American , this annual sports event is by far the largest one of it's kind. More than over 100 million people around the globe tune-in to watch the superbowl. This event would be a dream come true to many. But how exactly does that happen? If you have the money, is that enough? No way.
According to, a number of tickets are given to the two teams. In addition to those tickets, certain businesses are given sports tickets. After those tickets are given out, you (the public) must enter a raffle in order for a chance to win 2 tickets to the SuperBowl. Registration for those tickets are from February to June. So if you are looking to purchase tickets for this year's SuperBowl, it is unfortunately too late to enter the raffle. With that being said, some of the lucky winners do resell their tickets. The most secure website to search for this is the NFL Ticket Exchange.
Besides the NFL Ticket Exchange, one may get lucky by someone selling their tickets on Stub Hub, Ticket Master, etc. Besides those sites, connections are everything. Good luck with the ticket hunt!