How to Treat a Sprained Ankle
Although a sprained ankle is not one of the more serious injuries that do occur, it is still something that shouldn't be taken lightly. Lack of treatment can cause for aggravations, and even more time away from physical activity. Here are three simple ways to treat a sprained ankle:1) Rest.
Nothing is more important than resting an injury, especially something such as a sprained ankle. With the healing process of four to six weeks, rest can reduce that time significantly. With that being said, people who perform daily activities on a daily basis cannot afford to spend that time on the sideline. So what can they do to aliviate the pain and swelling of the ankle? Ice.
Ice is almost the answer for any injury. Swollen eye? Ice. Banged up knee? Ice. Even ice baths are used for recovery of the body. Ice will reduce the swelling and temporarily remove the pain. Icing on and off for 30 minutes at a time is a great way to help your ankle and keep your ankle from freezing.
Any other particular ways you take care of a sprained ankle? Let us know on Twitter: @SportsWatcherss